Radial Gun - Gameplay from R.J. H. on Vimeo.
Operating Systems:Windows XP or Vista
RAM: 256M
Processor:1.3 Ghz Intel Celeron M or any comparable AMD/Intel Processor
GPU: ATI 9000 or Equivalent Direct X 9 compatible video card
40 MB of hard drive space is required !
Movement : Arrow Keys (Up, Down, Left, Right)
Fire: Z Key
Bombs: X Key
XBOX 360 Controller
Movement : Left Analog Stick or D-PAD
Fire: A button
Bombs: B button
Note: to exit the game press the ESC button to the top left of your computer keyboard.
To destroy the eye and advance to the next level you must destroy all blocks on screen. Blocks are usually red, green or blue. Destroying a block that is the same color as the eye launches a seeking projectile towards you! So be careful!
Known Issues
-Alt Tabing in and out of the game during gameplay causes the alpha effects to become non-existent. To fix this problem press the ESC key to exit gameplay and re-enter the game.
-In Windows Vista press the ESC key during gameplay seems to exit the game completely instead of taking you back to the main menu. The problem seems to be that Windows Vista detects the ESC key several times more then in Windows XP. The quick fix for this is to quickly tap the ESC key when attempting to exit back the Main Menu in Windows Vista.
Roger Hicks
Art and Textures
Roger Hicks
Menu Screen & Pulse Effect
Brian Terwilliger
Music and Sound Composition:
Roger Hicks
Download Radial Gun Here!