If you find you're self stuck in a wall please use http://blog.coursevector.com/minerva (which requires adobe air) to edit the "Celestial_Mechanica_User_Data.sol" and change the DoorX & DoorY (or PlayerX & PlayerY , LastenteredX & LastenteredY and MapX & MapY ) variables to modify the players position (in pixels) on screen when you load up the game from Continue! The file can be found in the following directories depending on your operating system:
Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\***YOURUSERNAME***\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\***RANDOM NUMBER&LETTERS***\
Windows Vista: C:\Users\***YOURUSERNAME***\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\FlashPlayer\#SharedObjects\***RANDO M NUMBER&LETTERS***\
Windows 95/ME:
C:\Windows\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\***RANDOM NUMBER&LETTERS***\
Mac OSX:
/Users/Short name/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects/***RANDOM NUMBER&LETTERS***/
Mac OS9:
Macintosh HD/System Folder/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#Shared Objects/***RANDOM NUMBER&LETTERS***/
Thanks to all of you who have reported bugs I've been able to create a patch that fixes a good chunk of them. Here are the details about the patch and the instructions to download it:
Change Log:
- The ending Works now!
- Added a new hidden powerup.
- Fixed the boss exploit.
- Fixed a few grammatical errors in the dialogue.
- Fixed the spike sound effect in the Water Tower.
- Fixed enemies not dying when blocks crush them.
- Fixed getting stuck in various places.
Windows Installation Instructions:
1. Download the patch from HERE !
2.Place the patch executable in the install directory of Celestial Mechanica
3.Run the patch executable
4.Play the Celestial Mechanica!
Mac Installation Instructions:
1. Download the patch from HERE !
2.Run the Celestial Mechanica Updater.dmg
3.Enter the password as *password sent to your email*
4.Run the Celestial Mechanica Updater App
5.Point the app to your Celestial Mechanica app in your app folder or where ever you have it installed.
6.Play the Celestial Mechanica!
Those who have just recently purchased the game will not have to update. They will have received the most updated version.
If you find any bugs or have suggestions please email me at rekcahdam@gmail.com !
For gameplay videos click HERE !