Drumming with Disasterpeace at VCon 2012:
This is a tutorial video I did for my app PulseBoy.
In high school I was apart of a special program focused on software and mechanical engineering but, I never felt as smart as other students. I felt lost when a teacher would try to explain something from beginning to end. Instead I preferred the exact opposite! I would always be able to piece together an algorithm by working backwards from the end end result. Many of my friends were talented when it came to programming but I started out on a different path. I learned how to reverse engineer software before I even could properly develop it! I've even contributed to "the scene." Later, while learning CS (Computer Science) theory, it felt as if I had a bit of an advantage over the rest. I was able to connect low level and high level concepts without much effort.
Possibly my most popular project so far!
My first massively recognized game, rComplex!:
rComplex - The Facts from R.J. H. on Vimeo.
In my last years of college I met an artist named Naomi Baker. We both studied at the same university and became good friends. Naomi and I were both into video games but I never had any ambition to create one myself. Despite my lack of ambition Naomi encouraged me to give it a shot. I didn't know much about the indie-game scene at that time. I didn't even know where to start but, I decided to go for it anyway! Before long I met another artist by the name of Brian Terwilliger on the gametrailers.com forums. The 3 of us went on to work on several projects together. Brian and I still work together even to this day!
I've also been fortunate enough to work with more awesome like minded people; Marco Nelor , Rich Vreeland, Paul Veer, Connor Ullman, Matt White , Beau Blyth and Lisa Coffman. If I left out your name forgive me!
Me drawing a friend, Martina:
Martina The Guitarist from R.J. H. on Vimeo.
I've always loved to draw. I don't want to say that I was ever extremely good at it . In fact, I'm less-than-average at it. But, art is the one thing that I never really turned into a "job." Art is more like therapy for me. Although, at one time, I would contribute artwork for the Farmers Market and Richmond Times Dispatch in Virginia.
I'm want to become a modern day "renaissance" man! I want to do everything. I think it's because I'm influenced by everything and I like to create things based on my life's influences. I hate to call myself a jack of all trades since, if you're one of them, you tend to have a reputation of not being particularly skilled at any of those trades. I genuinely think that it's possible to be talented and skilled at several things at once. As long as I have the ability to learn I'll continue to become skilled at those things.
Feel free to check out the links at the top (Games, sideProjects, BandCamp) and look for more from me in the future!