My latest game, rComplex, was featured on And then later it was added as a "Free Indie Rapid Fire" on a show that I've been watching since it started; Bytejacker episode 65 !! And, it was also chosen as free indie of the week on their latest episode ; episode 66.
Heres the youtube version of episode 65. rComplex shows about 9 minutes and 14 seconds in lol.
Also, STARKS!, a hip hop artist I've been recording vocals, composing music for, and collaborating with is about to release his EP pretty soon. Here's a peak at the EP track listing:

STARKS! has got some pretty HOT tracks on this album if I do say so myself. We were lucky to pull in John Secolo from the band, End The Stars, for a track called " Everyones Gone." I cant wait for people to hear it. You can also hear a track that I contributed my vocals to called "Feel This" on my myspace music page: .
Anything else?
Well I've been eyeing the Gamma IV one button contest. I'm enjoying Cactus' entry Gamma IV - The Game:
I have some ideas, but I don't know if I will have time to put anything together since I'm working on WoAX right now. We'll see what happens.